Turn It Up is a programme for adults across Dumfries and Galloway. It provides a unique opportunity to ‘jam’, dance, experiment with different instruments, and develop songs together in a social and inclusive setting, with regular performances throughout the year. 

Workshops are designed to support participants in experimenting with music, musical instruments and singing/songwriting/spoken word - building confidence in their own musical abilities, and working towards regular performances throughout the year.

All sessions are run by a group of professionally trained Paragon musicians and practitioners who specialise in supporting people with access requirements.

Turn It Up is kindly supported by the Agnes Hunter Trust

Upcoming workshops: 

Theatre Royal Dumfries (Studio)

Oct - 2, 9 
Nov - 6, 13, 20, 27 

Time: 1:30pm-3:15pm -

Book your place here

All Paragon workshops are priced at £0/3/£5/£7 or £9 per-person per-session, charged on a pay-what-you-decide basis.

Please note that places must be reserved in advance of payment - for more information or to reserve a place please contact our Resonate Development Officer, Lucy Renwick, at [email protected]