Our impact Research Research There is a growing body of research relating to the work we do, and the impact we have on people's lives: Paragon Impact Report - Evaluating the social impact of Paragon programmes, prepared by Social Value Lab on behalf of Paragon Music and supported by Jobs & Business Glasgow. Play On: Evaluation Report - Evaluation undertaken by the University of Dundee, looking at the impact of Paragon's Play On programme on the lives of young people with additional support needs and their families. Who Gets to Play? - Investigating equity in musical instrument instruction in Scottish primary schools, by Lio Moscardini (Chair of the Board, Paragon Music), David S. Barron & Alastair Wilson. Inclusive Pedagogy - Case study on inclusive practice, included as part of Music Matters in the UK; a Fulbright Distinguished Award research project into music education by scholar, Lori Heagy.