S.I.I.A.T.E. (Scotland Italy Inclusive Artists Training Exchange) is an Inclusive Performing Artists training exchange programme between Paragon and Fattoria Vittadini in Milan. Through the facilitation of training workshops and performance opportunities S.I.I.A.T.E. looks to broaden access to training, careers and experiences in dance throughout Italy and internationally. The project is led by Paragon's lead inclusive dancer and choreographer, Alex McCabe, and Italian performing artist, Chiara Bersani.

How it began: 

The project began in 2019 with initial training workshops aiming to equip dancers and musicians at Fattoria with the skills and communication methods to become practitioners in inclusive dance. The long term aim for Fattoria is to contribute to the development of inclusive arts practice in Italy, and to create an inclusive youth performing arts company in Milan. Alongside Paragon, they are also looking to establish strong links with an international network of inclusive partner arts organisations including Scotland's Indepen-dance, Birds of Paradise and Drake Music Scotland

Following the hugely productive and inspirational workshops, Fattoria's inclusive dance group have gone on to create several public performances and presentations, including at the prestigious Milan Oltre dance festival. When the situation allows, we will be delighted to invite Chiara to Scotland to work with Paragon's M3 dance cohort and for dancers in Milan and Glasgow to collaborate on a new performance piece. 

What's next?

The project continues with 3-day SIIATEs confirmed in Rovereto, Modena, Bologna and Parma, taking place throughout July, September and October 2021. Alex McCabe will work with artists Susanna Ferrante and Monica Barone to deliver the programmes. 

Following the autumn sessions, we are bringing Italian artists over to Scotland for a special four-day SIIATE in Edinburgh, focused on sensory disability. 

S.I.I.A.T.E is supported by the British Council.