Paragon presents All In: Access and Inclusion in the Arts Join us as we hold the region’s first conference focusing on inclusive and accessible practice and policies in the arts - helping to establish a network of organisations committed to a more inclusive D&G. The conference is open to all including artists and arts organisations, promoters, funders, and workers in the health and social care sector. We will be offering practical guidance on approaches to building inclusive policies, as well as the opportunity to learn about access to funding and strategies for building greater accessibility into arts programmes - all with a focus on engagement with local communities. We will also look at partnership working between the arts, health, social care and education sector. The region in focus is Dumfries & Galloway but our discussions will be very relevant to every region in Scotland. We'll be joined by The Holywood Trust, D&G Arts Festival, Dumfries Music Conference, the Catstrand and local artists will be involved in the panel discussions and presentations.There will be BSL Interpretation and relaxed performancesWHEN: Friday 7 Oct, 9:30am - 4:30pmWHERE: CatStrand - High St, New Galloway, Castle Douglas DG7 3RNTICKET PRICES: For companies and organisations, £35 full price / £20 disability concession. For individual attendees, pay-what-you-can from £5 - £35 BOOK TICKETS: Click here to book via CatStrand/Ticketsource